
I am not to out of shape to climb these stairs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shadow Box

Steve Zwilling
CRTW 335- Shadox Box

There are two forms to every human and those are the body itself and the shadow, which is a hazy extension of the body. The shadow is the backdrop or the single partner to the body itself, but the shadow has a personality within itself. The shadow has two different forms to it. There is the good-natured figment and a bad natured figment.
The good shadow is the one on a summer day that stands in front of you when the sun is shining from behind you. It is the shadow that reminds you to keep your head up and that you have him with you at all times. It is the shadow that unconsciously moves with your body for better or worse. Everyone carries this shadow, whether they see it as a negative abyss or an honest helper.
Then, there is the bad shadow. This figment is the one that trails you when the sun is shining in your eyes, blinding you from what is ahead. The one pulling you back like a small scared child on a mother’s dress. This shadow brings you down and follows you into the abyss. Like the good shadow it is always with you, but you never see it. It is always at your back, mocking your every move.

Advice to my past
1. At 14, don’t take that first hit of marijuana; it will lead you in some pretty uncomfortable situations.
2. When your 16, do not go with that hunch of falling in love because it is false. She is just going to eventually break your heart.
3. Don’t put that blue slice of paper on your tongue. It will lead you down some roads and make you see some things that maybe throw you through a loop you never thought possible.
4. When your dad says to come by more often do it. Coming by only once in awhile, is not good. Do it for yourself, he is an important man in your life and he needs you; don’t ignore his existence.
5. Don’t let a woman bring you down. You will allow two women, in particular, to bring you down at very important parts of your life. You’re better than that and you will see soon.
6. Don’t plan things as much as you do, just go with the flow. It will take you places you always wanted to be and didn’t even know it.
7. When you start something always finish it. You will have a problem with that later on.
8. When you finally love that girl. Tell her everyday how much you love her. She is going to be your world so when you meet her, make sure she feels that way forms the start.
9. Ignore anything that comes in pill form. It always results in nausea.

What I want down with my body when I die

If I die, I would like for my dearest friends and family to have me cremated into an ash and placed into a vase made of gold. I would like for this gold vase to be placed in a velvet kit where it possesses a set spot in there perfect. When placed in this kit, I want to be positioned under the bed of my wife, until she passes. When she passes, she will join me. After we are both cremated, I want to be spread into a few different spots for significant reasons.
First, I want to be spread in an area in Allen Park right in front of a house that my friend used to stay at. It is on Meyer off of Southfield road. This is where I first asked my wife to take me out on a date. She accepted in all enthusiasm screaming, “Yes, yes, I will be your girlfriend! What I mean by spread is actually ground into the dirt and not just scattered. I do not want to just blow away and have our ashes spread somewhere insignificant.
Second, I want to be placed at the spot I proposed to my wife. I have not done so yet, but it will be in nature somewhere. We will have a spot in northern Michigan where I will go on one knee, look her in the eye, and propose my life to her. Then we will kiss until we feel that every emotion is expressed. It is this spot that I want the ashes ground into the dirt because that’s where I caressed my beautiful wife as she emphatically screamed “Yes-” to becoming my honored and beautiful wife.
The final place will be ‘our’ place. We will have a place that represents us as a unified personality. This place will embrace all the children we will raise, all the cities we travel, and all the love we have made. We will be grounded into this place and left for nature to experience the ultimate devotion that could both tear down a tree with it’s driving force and put it back up with it’s omnipotent strength. We will share our love together for the rest of entirety and when others pass these places they will feel the exuberance radiating from our carefully placed ashes.

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