
I am not to out of shape to climb these stairs.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why Should Chivalry Be Dead?

Why Should Chivalry Be Dead?

When one considers the inner sentiments to not be enough,
There is always the noblest of honorable men.
This gentleman, this stead, this omnipotent man, to some,
Rises high above the rest.
This medieval incantation that roles of the tongue of these gracious men,
Vary in great length, to the virtuous females who admire them.
The chivalrous nature from whence a man bows to a beautiful lady,
Is of most respectful manner, showing the admiration for, which he displays.
A knight, a brother, a cavalier, no matter the case,
The royal order will never guide it’s own path without the,
Ever-grateful presence of the true creature, the female.
The Garden of Eden was not a confrontation of the rejoicing
between two perpetual male beings.
Eve, the Lady Madonna, the depiction of Mother Magdalena herself,
Helped guide our beautiful kind.
The Love of a beautiful woman will always uproar against
The universal haste acknowledged as gender pride.
For every man needs the love and affection of a truly
Magnificent woman.
So all men could learn, a lot of the courtly love that was displayed
By the knighthood of the Middle Ages.
For women are the essences to our lives: mother, daughter, sister,
Femme Fatale or Mother Mary herself.
We are here on this earth because of the chivalrous nature of the
Woman, and the following kindness of a man.

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